GET ERC20 Order Fee
ERC20 get fee of order
This API returns 2 minimum amounts, one is based on users fee rate, the other is based on the maximum fee bips which is 0.6%. In other words, if a user wants to keep the fee rate, the minimum order is higher, otherwise, the user needs to pay more but can place lower order amounts.
Field | Description | Example |
X-API-KEY | ApiKey | "HlkcGxbqBeaF76j4rvPaOasyfPwnkQ6B6DQ6THZWbvrAGxzEdulXQvOKLrRWZLnN" |
Field | Description | Example |
accountId | Account ID | 10010 |
market | List of markets to be queried separated by "," | "LRC-ETH" |
Field | Description | Example |
gasPrice | The gas price use to calculate amount | "10000000000" |
amounts | List[Token Amount], Amounts | / |
cacheOverdueAt | Cached price data overdue time | 1614683483382 |
Field | Description | Example |
tokenSymbol | Token | "LRC" |
discount | Fee rate discount | 1.0 |
baseOrderInfo | OrderInfo, The minimum amount accord with minimum fee rate | / |
userOrderInfo | OrderInfo, The minimum amount accord with user fee rate | / |
tradeCost | "12474000057750" |
Field | Description | Example |
minAmount | The minimum amount of buy | "10000000000" |
makerRate | Maker rate | 0 |
takerRate | Taker rate | 30, means 0.3% |
Field | Description | Example |
minimum | The minimum amount enforced when submitting orders for the token. | "100000000000 00000" |
maximum | The maximum amount enforced when submitting orders for the token. | "100000000000 0000000" |
dust | The dust amount enforced when submitting orders for the token. | "100000000000 0000" |
Last updated