Get NFT Assets
Field | Description | Example |
X-API-KEY | ApiKey, can use a valid apiKey to get other address asset | "HlkcGxbqBeaF76j4rvPaOasyfPwnkQ6B6DQ6THZWbvrAGxzEdulXQvOKLrRWZLnN" |
Field | Description | Example |
accountId | (Optional) AccountID, accountId or address is required | 1 |
address | (Optional) Address, accountId or address is required | "0x8656920c85342d646E5286Cb841F90209272ABeb" |
nftDatas | (Optional) The Loopring's NFT token data identifier which is a hash string of NFT token address and NFT_ID, separated by "," | "0xf7c932351186c3a9053f313eefa16209c018f7f1dba8aa8ca7100400f7c31085,0xc3a9053f313eef7c932351ca7100400f7c186fa16209c018f7f 1dba8aa831085" |
tokenAddrs | (Optional) NFT token address, separated by "," | "0x8656920c85342d646E5286Cb841F90209272ABeb,0x8656920c85342d646E5286Cb841F90209272ABec" |
tokenIds | (Optional) The token slot ID in loopring DEX, separated by "," | "32768,32769,32770" |
offset | (Optional) Number of records to skip | 10 |
limit | (Optional) Number of records to return. Default is 20, max is 50 | 30 |
nonZero | (Optional) Hide 0 balance NFT token, default is true | true |
metadata | (Optional) Return the metadata of the nft | false |
Field | Description | Example |
totalNum | total number | 100 |
data | List[Combined Balance] |
Field | Description | Example |
accountId | AccountID | 10110 |
tokenId | tokenId | 32768 |
nftData | (Optional) Users NFT token nftData | "0xf7c932351186c3a9053f313eefa16209c018f7f1dba8aa8ca7100400f7c31085" |
tokenAddress | (Optional) token address | "0x8656920c85342d646E5286Cb841F90209272ABeb" |
nftType | nft type | ERC1155 or ERC721 |
nftId | (Optional) nft id | "100" |
total | total amount | "1000" |
locked | frozen amount | "2" |
pending | "{withdraw:0, deposit:0}" | |
isCounterFactualNFT | is counterFactual NFT or not | true |
deploymentStatus | tokenAddress deploy status | status in NOT_DEPLOYED, DEPLOYING, DEPLOYED |
Field | Description | Example |
withdraw | Withdrawal pending balance which means the token is in withdrawal state but not arrived L1 | "100000000000 00" |
deposit | Deposit pending balance which means the token is in deposit state but not arrived L2 | "100000000000 00" |
Last updated